Wednesday, March 27, 2013

DIY: Artist Inspired Easter

via blogg Skonahem

This is always a full and crazy week for my family as we celebrate both Jewish and Christian holidays at our house. We have only just finished cleaning up after a big family passover seder (though I expect to continue to find trails of matzah cracker crumbs for a few more days) just in time to start pulling out our Easter decorations.  We usually have an Easter tree of quince branches hung with a few of our favorite homemade blown eggs that have been collected and saved over the years.

But this year I am in the mood for some new inspiration, so I started thinking about what if you grew up in the home of a great artist, say Bridget Riley, or Helen Frankenthaler and Robert Motherwell, or  Anni and Josef Albers, what would their Easter table look like?

Here are a few of those ideas played out with links to the DIY instructions on each.

Bridget Riley, Untitled( Fragmants 1) from Fragments, 1965
DIY @ Obviously Sweet

Bridget Riley, taken by Ida Kar, 1963
Mark Rothko, White Center, 1950, 1950
via Donna Hay 
DIY @ Sugar and Charm
Cy Twombly, Scent of Madness, 1986
DIY @ Spoon Fork Bacon
Gentl and Hyers
DIY @ Camille Styles

Homage to the Square, ( yellow, grey, orange)
via Martha Stewart Weddings
Josef Albers, Unknown
via Jodi Vautrin @ pinterest
Helen Frankenthaler, Contentment Island, 2004
DIY @ Martha Stewart
Mary Ellen Bartley
via Donna Hay
DIY @ Martha Stewart
DIY @ Sugar and Charm

Happy Spring and happy whatever holiday you're celebrating! 

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